Category: Update

Isaac Toussie Emphasizes the Strong Free Cashflows of Big Tobacco Companies

An important financial statistic in evaluating the ability of a corporation to grow and expand is the amount of free cashflows a corporation has. It’s essential that a corporation has enough free cashflows to be able to invest in new markets and safeguard positions that they already hold. Isaac Toussie, an acclaimed tobacco investor, believes […]

Isaac Toussie Gives Back to NYC Education Systems

For over a hundred years, there has been a strong and vibrant Jewish community in New York City. A hallmark of this community is its ability to educate its children in schools that promote progressive and true values. As member of this community, Isaac Toussie recognized the importance of a high-quality education system. Toussie attended […]

How A Local Brooklynite Supports the Jewish Community, America’s Paralyzed Veterans and the Police Force

New York City has various thriving Jewish communities. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Isaac Toussie has always contributed to organizations that strengthened the Jewish community that he remains a part of. Toussie values his Judaism and all that it has provided him. Specially, Toussie always related to the Jewish laws pertaining to business that the […]

Isaac Toussie Realistically Encourages the Replacement of Coal with Oil and Natural Gas

Compounding concerns regarding the use of natural gas and oil have been pushed to the forefront of global conversation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, global emissions dropped by 5.6% with nearly every economic sector outputting a fraction of goods compared to the year before. The reduction in emissions has shown that the […]

Isaac Toussie Contributes to Platforms of Medicine: Orthopedics, Diabetes and Epilepsy

Isaac Toussie’s philanthropic work has reached a multitude of organizations throughout the country. He has contributed to hospitals, schools and public health organizations. Yet, Toussie’s commitment to supporting orthopedic programs throughout the country is both unique and important. Orthopedic health programs serve a vital function in facilitating proper recoveries for individuals with bone or joint […]

Toussie Donates to Cancer Research and Treatment

Given that the world is currently in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, many are overlooking the presence and dominance of one of the world’s deadliest illnesses: cancer. Last year alone, cancer claimed the lives of over 600,000 Americans. The probability that given individual contracts cancer in their lifetime is around 40%. While billions have […]

Isaac Toussie support helps Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center save lives

Over the last several years, nationally known philanthropist, Isaac Toussie, has made substantial financial donations  to fund Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and its research efforts to develop new treatments for cancer. As is the case with millions of people across the country and around the world, Isaac Toussie has seen the effects of cancer […]